use for literature

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Part C

Part C)

We only have celebrated Hari Raya and Chinese New Year.
So we're going to talk about these two.

During both festivals, all of us got to celebrate it with our family, relatives and friends.
All of us got packets, red or green, and that was always the best part of the whole celebration.
We also had to wake up early and wish our parents a Selamat Hari Raya or a Happy Chinese New Year..
We then also ate feasts that we had prepared the day before.
That was one of the best parts also.
Its not often that we had alot to it, its only on special occasions that our mothers cook this much and this delicious.
Its what we look forward to.
Then we went out celebrating to our relatives house and it was the best. Next to the packets.
We always look forward to visiting relatives.
Its bring the bond of our families closer together and we get to play with our cousins.
Its also not that often that we visit our cousins, mostly on special occasions.
All of us will have a hell of a time and get tired while playing.
We would also stay there till late.
If it was not the last stop we would go together as a group and go to other relatives' houses.
We would always go to our grandparents house and then go to the eldest uncle or aunty in the family.
Usually when we get our packets we do not look in them.
Sometimes its just too tempting and we cannot resist so we look inside.
We know its kind of wrong but who cares right?
We would also eat from one house to another and our tummies will always be full.
sometimes too full.
Even though its full we still must eat because when people invite us to eat and we don't eat,
its like rude.
So we had to force our way to eat and eat and eat.


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