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Monday, February 4, 2008

Khairul's Hari Raya Celebration

On Hari Raya, my father and brother along with me went to the mosque to do our Hari Raya Prayers. After that, we went back home to eat our breakfast and then went to both our grandparents' houses. We talked and eat a bit together. My uncle and his family whose from Malaysia came to Singapore like always and celebrated together. After that we then went to our other grandparents' home. We did the same thing like from my other grandparents' home.

The next day, I went to my P6's friends houses. We had a ball of a time. We laughed alot n celebrated happily together. I really miss my old friends and I hope that we can celebrate together again.

I also tried alot of new hari rayta treats like pineapple tarts and more. They were all very delicious. My mother who makes some treats taste quite good as well as my aunts's cooking. I hope they will make something new this year.

We then went to our friends, neighbours and other people's houses that we know and celebrated happily. After a long day I counted my money and i collected about 200 dollars. I was very proud and happy that I collected that much money. I cannot wait for this years celebration. I hope that it will be more fun than last year's celebration. And, I maybe able to collect more money!!

done by khairul



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