use for literature

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rizky comparison

Part b)

The difference between hari raya and christmas is that we go to the mosque and not the church
We give green packets with money and not presents.
I get to celebrate hari raya with alot of people but Jess only celebrates with his family and Leslie.
I celebrate hari raya with my family, cousins and my friends.
I get to go to alot of my friends houses with other friends but Jess did'nt get to do that.
He only got to celebrate with Leslie by exchanging gifts.
I also got alot of money during hari raya but Jess did'nt because he comes from a poor family and i feel very fortunate.
During hari raya, we wore baju kurung and its a tradition. We also made ketupats.
Jess only wore normal home clothes and does not have any traditional clothes.
Jess also did'nt have any traditional kind of food.
He only ate what his mother cooked and its the usual.
And when i celebrate hari raya, there was no snow but Jess celebrates it when its snowing.

Done by Rizky(35)


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