use for literature

Monday, February 4, 2008

Malcolm's chinese new year celebration

Assignment 3: Blogsite / Appendix 1.6a

Part a)
Malcolm's Chinese New Year celebration
During the Chinese New Year priod, my family and i celebrated it with my relatives and friends.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, my siblings and i woke up early to greet and wish my parents and grandparents an happy chinese new year and in return, we got red packets! After that, went out visiting to get more red packets. We went to my relatives place almost all around Singapore and got many red packets in return and of course ate many new year goodies.

On the second day, we went out again. My family and i went to my relatives house and had lunch there. The lunch was delicous as it had many veriety of food such as vegetables, chicken and fish. Next, we went to my grandmother's sister's house and stay there till late then go home and during the stay there, i ate many goodies such as pineapple tarts and chocolates!... my relatives would come to my house for visiting and eating lunch and dinner there...

On the third day, my relatives would come to my house for visiting and eating lunch and dinner there... My family and i would be at home cooking and preparing the food for my relatives. I always loved that time of the day as i get to play with my cousins and i always have so much fun.
I hope this year, i would have more fun and get more money!

p.s. jeff hardy rocks!


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