use for literature

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Part b) Hakeem

The difference between me and Jess is that on the day we went to pray. Then, all my cousins went to my house but Jess had no cousins going to visit him. We also went to my other cousins houses but Jess did'nt. I also became richer on hari raya because i received a lot of money from my relatives but Jess did'nt. Jess only celebrated with his family and Leslie while i got to celebrate with my family, relatives and friends. Unlike Jess, i needed to fast 30 days before hari raya. Jess did'nt have to do that. He just celebrated on Christmas day itself. During the ramadhan moth, i went to my aunt's house to eat. I have an aunt that cooks delicious food but Jess does'nt. i feel that i'm fortunate

Part b) by zubair

Unlike Jess, I had alot of relatives and cousins. My relatives from USA also came to visit me unlike Jess who did not have cousins living overseas. The main difference is that our technology is more advanced than Jesse's technolgy and so he only got paint while we had laptops. The males also need to go to our prayers while Jess's celebration during christmas does not need any prayers. We were also more fortunate as we could taste many different types of food and other traditional treats that Jess's celebration did not have. Overall, Ithink that my celbrations are more fortunate than Jess's Christmas celebration as we were more advanced at this time than Jess's olden countryside times.

p.s Triple H roxx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Part C

Part C)

We only have celebrated Hari Raya and Chinese New Year.
So we're going to talk about these two.

During both festivals, all of us got to celebrate it with our family, relatives and friends.
All of us got packets, red or green, and that was always the best part of the whole celebration.
We also had to wake up early and wish our parents a Selamat Hari Raya or a Happy Chinese New Year..
We then also ate feasts that we had prepared the day before.
That was one of the best parts also.
Its not often that we had alot to it, its only on special occasions that our mothers cook this much and this delicious.
Its what we look forward to.
Then we went out celebrating to our relatives house and it was the best. Next to the packets.
We always look forward to visiting relatives.
Its bring the bond of our families closer together and we get to play with our cousins.
Its also not that often that we visit our cousins, mostly on special occasions.
All of us will have a hell of a time and get tired while playing.
We would also stay there till late.
If it was not the last stop we would go together as a group and go to other relatives' houses.
We would always go to our grandparents house and then go to the eldest uncle or aunty in the family.
Usually when we get our packets we do not look in them.
Sometimes its just too tempting and we cannot resist so we look inside.
We know its kind of wrong but who cares right?
We would also eat from one house to another and our tummies will always be full.
sometimes too full.
Even though its full we still must eat because when people invite us to eat and we don't eat,
its like rude.
So we had to force our way to eat and eat and eat.

Rizky comparison

Part b)

The difference between hari raya and christmas is that we go to the mosque and not the church
We give green packets with money and not presents.
I get to celebrate hari raya with alot of people but Jess only celebrates with his family and Leslie.
I celebrate hari raya with my family, cousins and my friends.
I get to go to alot of my friends houses with other friends but Jess did'nt get to do that.
He only got to celebrate with Leslie by exchanging gifts.
I also got alot of money during hari raya but Jess did'nt because he comes from a poor family and i feel very fortunate.
During hari raya, we wore baju kurung and its a tradition. We also made ketupats.
Jess only wore normal home clothes and does not have any traditional clothes.
Jess also did'nt have any traditional kind of food.
He only ate what his mother cooked and its the usual.
And when i celebrate hari raya, there was no snow but Jess celebrates it when its snowing.

Done by Rizky(35)

Part B assignment by Khairul

The differences between Hari Raya and Christmas is first of all, we get money in green packets instead of presents. I think that I am more fortunate than Jess since he only got a few presents during christams while I got quite a hefty sum of money during Hari Raya. Also, I get to celebrate my Hari Raya with a lot of company like my friends and family memebers but Jess, who is not as close to his family than me and has only Leslie as his friend.

During Hari Raya, we don traditional clothes called 'baju kurung' while during Christmas, Jess wears his casual clothes. Also, we would usually eat at each others houses but Jess does not eat at his friend's house during Christmas. I also got to celebrate with my cousins who are living at overseas in Malaysia while Jess does not get to celebrate with his cousins. Overall, I think that I am more fortunate since I get to celebrate with lots of people like my family, cousins and friends.

Done by: Khairul(22)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Malcolm's Christmas comparison with what Jess had experienced in the novel.

Assignment 3: Blogsite / Appendix 1.6a

Part b)
Malcolm's Christmas celebration:
A week before Christmas, my family would go out to a shopping mall to buy presents for one another. Of course, we would have a budget and buy it separately so that we do not know what present we will be getting.

When we got home, we would go to our rooms to wrap up the presents that we bought and put it under the Christmas Tree as our house would be decorated by then and until the day of Christmas that we can open the presents up.

On the day of Christmas itself, we would unwrap all the presents to find out what we have got. It may be disappointing sometimes as you did not get your desired presents but its the thought that counts and as my family like this festival, we would invite people to come over to our house to spent Christmas together and everybody would be happy and cheerful on that day. Christmas carols would be sung and games would be played. After all that, we would have a sumptuous dinner together with my friends and family. Then we would be free to do whatever we wanted to do for the rest of the day.

Jess's Christmas celebration:
A month before Christmas, Jess's older sisters were impatient to buy presents for their boyfriends. As Jess's family was poor, they did not have much money to buy a nice present for each other.

On Christmas day, Jess tried to think something to get Leslie but finds it hard to find anything good enough, but at last, Jess finally thought of something to get Leslie - the free puppy that was along the road in one of the shops he passed by when going home from school. He asked Leslie to meet him at the castle stronghold at Terabithia where he would give the dog to Leslie as a Christmas gift. Leslie was delighted when she received the present and in return, she gave Jess a box of watercolours and that overwhelmed Jess as he liked drawing alot. When he went home, he went to celebrate Christmas with his family and his father got him a cheap race car set which his father had spent more money than he would ever want to spend for Jess's Christmas present.

In the end, Jess felt that Christmas spirit he lost again thanks to Leslie.

p.s. jeff hardy rocks!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Zubair,hari raya celebration...

During hari raya my family and i celebrated at my cousins place my aunts and uncle from USA came too.I Also have an aunt and uncle from Kuala Lumpur.My whole family came to celebrate
together.Before we gathered,the boys and men had to go for prayes.
After the prayers, at about 9.30am we went to my counsins place.He had a 3 floored bungalow so it was suitable to have our celebration there.When my family reach my cousins place, i ran out of the car and ran in the house.There were many different kinds of traditional food.All the food were on their dining table. We had lots of fun that day although i got into a bit of mischeif. We took alot of pictures together.In the evening i went to my cousins room upstairs and played with him.We played with his laptop, he had two. We played till night .

p.s Thriple H rocks...